Board of Directors

Laura Spradley, Board President

  • Favorite section at Art Salvage: Old postcards and textiles

  • Favorite place you have ever lived: right here!

  • Favorite thing about Spokane All the natural beauty in the mountains and plains

  • Most unusual item you have recycled/ repurposed? Shipping pallet used to make a compost heap

  • Current or most recent employer/ profession: Retired attorney, working for the Washington Court of Appeals

  • Tea or coffee? Both!

Robin Fontaine, Board Vice President

  • Favorite section at Art Salvage: That’s like asking “pick a favorite child” — I love them all!

  • Favorite craft/art media:  Mixed media assemblages

  • Most unusual item you have recycled/ repurposed?  Animal bones from a skeleton we found on our property, used in outdoor art

  • What diy project are you most proud of?  Doing the landscape design to remove our front lawn and install xeriscape

  • What superpower would you want to have? The ability to selectively drop “peace and love bombs” where needed.

  • Current or most recent Employer/ profession: Self-employed graphic designer and publications architect for the final 10 years before retiring in 2020

FeLisa Bravo, Treasurer

  • Hobbies: I am great at starting projects…..finishing them up is debatable.

  • What diy project are you most proud of? Building a small kennel from left over chicken wire and scrap wood.

  • Pet(s): Too many, yet, not enough

  • What superpower would you want to have? Mind reading

  • Tea or coffee? Both!

  • Current or most recent Employer/ profession: I add and subtract all day. Sometimes I get to multiply and divide as well.

Remelisa Cullitan, Secretary


Remelisa is a Spokane native who is passionate about creative education. Remelisa graduated from EWU with their Bachelors in Fine Arts and Bachelors in Art History. They are an active arts advocate and a professional artist. They believe everyone should have a creative expression and those who claim they don’t have a creative bone in their body just haven’t been exposed to their creative outlet yet, and what better way then by exploring and playing with different potential art materials!

Carmen Perez-Frayne

Favorite section at Art Salvage: I really love the sorting/prepping section- it's fun to see the items that have been donated, sorted, packaged and put on the floor to find a creator

  • Hobbies: Besides being creative, I am an avid reader- I LOVE BOOKS!

  • Favorite craft/art media: I am always trying new things- I can't say I have a favorite, I love being able to explore different media- but I love making things with the purpose of gifting. Sharing what I create is a wonderful feeling.

  • Dream Vacation? Anywhere! I love experiencing new places, new foods and cultures

Gwyn Pevonka

Shellie Kafton

  • Favorite craft/art media: mixed media collage

  • Pet(s): 3 cats, Stretch, Atticus, Thistle

  • Hobbies: Cooking and reading

  • Dream vacation? Going to Istanbul, Cairo and Morocco

  • Tea or coffee? Tea


Alayna (she/her), Creative Support Specialist

  • Favorite section at Art Salvage: Textiles

  • Hobbies: Cooking/baking, gardening, house projects, sewing, and keeping my houseplants alive :)

  • What diy project are you most proud of? I made a light fixture for my kitchen out of two different fixtures I found second hand

  • Your most unusual skill/ trait? I have a certificate in Fashion Design: Pattern Making and can draft sewing patterns by hand.

  • Favorite thing about Spokane: Manito Park, especially Gaiser Conservatory.

  • Tea or coffee? Tea

Kayleigh (she/her), Reuse SPECIALIST

  • Favorite craft/art media: printmaking and collaging

  • What diy project are you most proud of? When I collected forgotten grocery lists at the store and made a collage out of them.

  • Your most unusual skill/ trait? I can recite Princess Leia’s message to Obi-Wan in a New Hope, from memory.

  • Other gig: I love volunteering at local art markets and enjoy getting involved in any STEM related events.

  • What superpower would you want to have? Teleporting

  • Tea or coffee? Tea, especially matcha!

Laura (she/her), Donation Specialist

  • Favorite craft/art media: contemporary quilting

  • Your most unusual skill/ trait? Pattern recognition 

  • Most unusual item you have recycled/ repurposed? Zero waste quilt using scraps and lost blocks

  • What superpower would you want to have? Telekinesis

  • Favorite place you have ever lived: right where I am now, in Spokane

  • Tea or coffee? Coffee- always with cream and sugar

Jared (he/him) Sanitation Specialist

  • Hobbies: Camping, watching sports

  • Favorite craft/ art media: Paint

  • Pets: Dogs, cats and rabbit

  • How others describe you: Very friendly

  • Favorite thing about Spokane: Riverfront Park, Chiefs Hockey, GU Basketball

  • What superpower would you want to have? Flight

  • Tea or coffee? Root beer or OJ

Iris(she/her), Volunteer SPECIALIST

  • Hobbies: thrifting, crafting, collaging, junk journaling, reading

  • Your most unusual skill/ trait? I am trilingual! I am a native English and Spanish speaker and also studied French

  • Favorite place you have ever lived: Tacoma, WA

  • Most unusual item you have recycled/ repurposed? old guitar picks to make earrings

  • What superpower would you want to have? communicating with animals

  • Tea or coffee? Coffee

Katie Patterson Larson (she/her), Executive Director/ Founder

  • Favorite section at Art Salvage: Bulk, the mixed media and weird things are the best.

  • Hobbies: Hiking, making things in the kitchen and fixing my old house.

  • DIY project I'm proud of: Homemade deodorant and conditioner. Still working on a DIY shampoo.

  • Favorite thing about Spokane: The artists and makers

  • What superpower would you want to have? Time travel