Combine elements of poetry and collage in this hands-on workshop led by Spokane poets Kat Smith and Nance Van Winckel. We’ll cut, paste, combine, and erase to bring together words and images from a variety of sources — “pawing through popular culture like sculptors on trash heaps,” as writer Annie Dillard puts it. You’ll go home with an original piece of visual poetry, along with the skills to create more on your own. Source materials will be provided, but feel free to bring any books, magazines, postcards, etc., to incorporate into your poetic collage. All experience levels welcome.
Read the Class Disclaimer/Rules policy
Ticket fees and class material included in class price.
Class size is limited. Register early for early bird pricing.
Pre-registration is required for Art Salvage classes; classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Students will be registered ONLY on receipt of payment. Enrollment requirements: 3 students minimum. Classes with low enrollment are cancelled 7 days before the class is scheduled to begin.
Cancellation Policy: Art Salvage reserves the right to cancel, combine or reschedule classes to adjust for enrollment. If Art Salvage cancels a class, you may transfer to another class or receive a full refund.
Refund Policy: Notice of withdrawal from a class must be made at least 7 days prior to the start of the class. No refunds will be given for withdrawals made after that time. No refunds or credits will be given for classes missed due to illness, personal conflict or other reasons. There are no exceptions to this policy.