March 14, 2024   •  For Immediate Release

Art Salvage REOPENS on FRIDAY, March 15th in a new location: 610 E North Foothills Dr.

Five years after opening Spokane’s first and only creative reuse center in 2018, Art Salvage had outgrown its space. In October of 2023, after months of looking at potential properties that would allow the nonprofit to further its mission of sustainability and art materials for all, new space was leased at 610 E. North Foothills Drive.

Then came months of moving, site preparation, and navigating “change of use” permitting processes with the city. And now, finally, Art Salvage is pleased to announce the opening of their larger creative reuse center!

The new space is over twice the size, allowing more donations to be diverted from the waste stream and made available for makers. In addition, dedicated classroom space will offer new opportunities for the community, including plans for programs such as classes in creative reuse, maker meetups, open studio sessions and more.

For more details on Art Salvage, please contact Katie Patterson Larson, Executive Director and Founder, at katie@artsalvagespokane.com or (509) 798-9039.

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